Thursday, April 14, 2011

I Adore My Roomate's Closet.

Not only is my roommate Mary a totally awesome person, a fellow Harry Potter nerd, and pretty much my best friend...but she also just happens to be relatively the same clothes and shoe size as me! So guess what that means? We get to share clothes, yippee!! At the beginning of this school year we were so glad to learn that not only are our wardrobes the same size and awesome, but in the words of Mary "they compliment each other so well!" Well, now that the school year is drawing to a close we are both dreading being separated for the summer and missing each other. Or is it really that we just will be missing each others wardrobes?? ;)
There are a few particular items in Mary's closet that I have taken a particular liking too, and honestly I feel like I'm not ever going to have anything to wear this summer! I mean I have a top that goes with her pants, my shoes match this dress she has, or i need those earrings of hers to go with my favorite top! You get the picture....
Anyways, I think that I can survive without most of her wardrobe, but there are a few things that I don't see my self living without.
#1 She has this pair of super dark wash, super skinny stretch jeans from American Eagle. These are my favorite pants.......ever! And if I do say so myself I look quite good in those pants!! They look like these ones below..
Also, I really really like this her TOMS. They're turquoise, and and couderoy, and awesome:
she also had a brown leather belt that I love that looks like THIS
And these are just a few of the many wondrous clothing items that call her closet home...
In short, I'm going to have to do some serious shopping this summer if I'm going to have anything to wear! And I'll be excited for August when I'm reunited with my roommate's closet (and her too, of course)  :)

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