Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm addicted to Don't Judge Me.

Okay I'll admit, is one of my guilty pleasures. I love to go on there and get my fill of all the celebrity gossip and news. Horrible I know. Those of you reading proably are thinking to yourselves that I should invest in a lfe outside the confides of this computer screen. Believe it or not, I do have one :)
But I digress. Aside from the inane celebrity gossip, my absolute favorite thing about is their StyleWatch fashion section! Earlier today I was browsing through the "I Really Love My..." section and stumbled upon one of the most beautiful pairs of sunglasses that I've ever seen. Disclaimer: I am a shameless sunglass addict. These beauties were worn on several occasions by the ever-fabulous Anne Hathaway, whose style I greatly admire. And to top it off, the suglasses were belong to the "Elizabeth & James" line designed by none other than Mary Kate & Ashley!! Need I say more?
Here's a link, so check out the marvelous sunglasses for yourself!,,20053264,00.html#20888112

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Leggings do not equal pants. End of Story.

This wasn't my intended topic for this post, but after seeing countless girls in our cafeteria today who were guilty of the "leggings as pants" atrocity, I felt compelled to rant. Let's get one thing straight ladies: leggings were not created as a stand alone option for leg-wear. The are meant to be worn under pants for added warmth, under a dress, or underneath a long and slouchy T-shirt that covers the rear end. It is also acceptable to wear them to the gym for exercising or athletic purposes. They are not ever, under any circumstances supposed to serve as a substitute for pants. I don't understand how a someone can put on a too-tight shirt or sweater, leggings, and Uggs then look in the mirror and say: I look good! If it's cold enough to wear leggings, then you need more than a thin layer of cotton and/or lycra over those legs!
I will admit, leggings are extremely comfortable and hard to resist. But so are pajamas, and we don't wear those in public not do we? Well some do, but that's another story for another time. :) If you'll check the link list, you'll find a link to a fabulous pair of jeans. For those of you who've forgotten what they look like ;)

And please don't get me started on the shiny black plastic ones that are supposed to look like leather pants! I've not yet decided what to make of the "jegging" which is a leggings/jeans combo platter. I might be ok with those. Okay, I'll climb down from my soapbox now...
But please do remember ladies, next time you fee the urge to leave you house (or dorm) in just leggings: throw a dress on over them, or swap them for a pair of jeans. Then you'll be golden :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Inagural Post.

Well off I go, venturing into the world of blogging! As of right now, I'm not sure what future posts will consist of...probably links to awesome fashion finds I've discovered or observed. I do know this, I'm going to have a field day with Awards season while it lasts :) But for this first post I thought I'd provide a look into and an overview of my own personal style, just so you readers can get a feel for where my tastes lie, and where I'm coming from. So here are some random facts about my favorite fashionable things:
  • I love skinny jeans. My roommate is always trying to get me to wear book cut ones more often, but I just love skinnes more. But I will say, you can't go wrong with a good-fitting pair of bootcuts.
  • I love peacock feathers. So much.
  • I hate crocs. They are hideous. 
  • Most people tell my that my style is bohemian and earthy, but I think eclectic is just they best way to describe it. I have a little bit of everything. 
  • I'm obsessed with old and vintage fashions. My grandma's closet is one of my favorite places to shop.
  • I also loved owls. I've loved them for a long time, long before they were the 'cool' think to like.
  • Kate Hudson's style is amazing. So is Emma Watson's.
  • I have a penchant for huge earrings, but I'm developing a love for studs too.
  • I love solid-colored v-neck tees with pockets.
  • I have 40 pairs of least.
  • I also had moccasins way before they were cool.
  • My new favorite thing are my Toms shoes!
That's enough about me for now, and next time I promise the post will be far more entertaining! But let me just clarify one thing, I think that a "good sense of fashion" is relative for every single person, depending on who they are, and what their circumstances are. Some examples as food for thought: I can't (and wont) dress like Rihanna. I go to a small Christian college, people would look at me like I was on crack. People who live in NYC and people who live in the rural southeast just can't wear the same things on a daily basis. It just won't work. But the normal people of the world have every right to be fashionable. That's what I'm here to do, to provide people with some realistic fashion perspective. In the words of the amazing Sarah Jessica Parker: "Fashion is not a luxury." Amen SJP, amen. It's not a luxury, it's a necessity.